Wordsource | Press release, SEO and video script writing
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Wordsource is in the business of helping you communicate well with your audience. Whether writing for a video audience, social media users, writing your SEO keywords, press releases, technical documents or even your speeches, we put heart and soul behind your campaign. And write it like it is our own.

Plain language, please

Fluff won't cut it. If your copy doesn't clearly say what you mean, it's out. Plain language gets your message across. Let's say what you mean.

Translating, editing and proofreading

The same care is extended to the translation, editing and proofreading of others' work. If your existing copy is not communicating well, we'll suggest changes to add punch to your message.

Putting you in the news with press releases

If there is a newsworthy story in there, we'll help you find it in pursuit of print column space, and bring real news savvy to your communications. Whatever the subject.